Thursday, September 16, 2010

twenty one.

Someone near and dear to my heart is 21. That person is Kambly Caldwell. Besides living up to the coolness of her name, she enjoys Coca Cola, going to the lake, rompers, her roommates, Delta Delta Delta (naturally), Glee, speaking in accents, Mumford and Sons, her Mac computer, painting her nails with the colors that OPI provides her, Fred Astaire, the town of Austin, jillian workouts, The Newsies, dance parties, taking/editing photos, her iphone FOUR, sales at Anthropologie, candles, anything that smells yummy, flexting, twittering, creeping on facebook, changing facebook profile pictures, talking about studying, sitting on the porch, blading (roller), hey-telling, finding new music, her family, laying on Lauren's bed, painting, being small, fall parties, creeping on people, being really strange (but still cool as I previously mentioned), and lastly, being called "Miss Caldwell" by small children every morning at school.

Almost two years ago...the beginning of our love triangle. Get it? Like go tri-delt.

And then here is a literal triangle.

Happy Birthday Kambly. I love you forever and ever!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Twelve minutes of pure goodness last Sunday. This video is as close as you can get to the real thing.

P.S. Hi kam.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Accept each day just as it comes to you. Do not waste your time and energy wishing for a different set of circumstances. Instead trust me enough to yield to my design and purposes."

Glad to be back at Baylor. Glad to be with my friends. Glad to have a God who loves me perfectly.