Thursday, July 8, 2010

miss you.

Dear Allyson,
Thank you. Thank you for teaching me what child like faith really means. Matthew 18:3 says, Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven." You showed me the realness of this. You showed me how to live humbly, free from selfish ambtition, hanging wholly and helplessly on the Father. What a blessing that my life collided with you and your seven year old self this summer. You not only affected me, but others who heard your story as I told them with tears in my eyes. Thank you for listening to what the Father said to you. Thank you for showing me what it meant to long after Christ and want more of Him. Though you knew nothing about God when you came to camp, you left having experienced His presence in a way that some people will never experience. Thank you for all the questions you asked. Thank you for asking to hear more bible stories because you did not even know who Adam and Eve were, much less who David and Goliath were. Thank you for waiting your turn and having patience, when most of the other girls thought only of themselves. Do not be discouraged because you have a hard time reading and you cannot always talk right because none of that matters. What you have found is our Father and that is worth more than gold. Remember when we talked about how He knew how many hairs were on your head? While most people shrug that little fact off, you touched your hair and looked at me with amazement. Thank you for showing me what TRUE child like faith is. So pure and so easy. You always wanted to know more, even when you could be playing with your friends or playing with toys your mom and dad sent you. Instead, you sat on the porch with Kelly and I while we got the privilege to tell you more about your Creator. I will never forget the light in your eyes as you learned more about our sweet Jesus. You are cherished. You are different. I love you. But He loves you more.

Your friend,

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."