Monday, March 21, 2011


I will never forget that morning. Even if I wanted to. I remember trying so hard to ingrain it into my brain. To plant my feet in that very spot so I would never have to leave. Reminding myself to never forget that pure and easy joy and satisfaction I felt that day. You see, I was in Honduras that morning. I had just completed an obstacle course that had begun at 5 a.m. I should have felt tired and worn out, but I didn't feel that way. I looked like I got run over, and I smelled like a garbage disposal. I should have felt ugly and gross, but I didn't. Because that morning none of that mattered. Honestly, I wish I could say none of those things ever matter to me, but that is not the truth. That morning, God stilled my soul in a way that I will never forget. It was more than a feeling. More than a realization. It was a glimpse of what true satisfaction is. Moreover, what heaven beckons. I wanted to stay there forever, right there in that very place where it was just me and Him. Remembering that place of true satisfaction, not with who I was or am, but who he was and is. Here's to finding my fulfillment in Him daily and learning from time spent with Jesus.

"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." Psalm 90:14

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Why do I love twitter? Let me tell you.

1. The symbol is a bird. I really like birds. There are three paintings of birds hanging on my wall- mind you Kathryn admitted to me last year she thought they were ugly, but they aren't. They are from Hobby Lobby for heaven's sake. Whatever, she was homeschooled. I also just purchased three notebooks and two folders with bird designs. Lastly, I just changed the background of this blog. Don't be surprised if you see a few birds flying around by the title. Birds are like so in.

2. It is okay to inform people of useless information. I used to shun these people on facebook, but I now welcome them and encourage them to tweet whenever they feel led. This does come with a few exceptions. After following all of the hot celebs duh, I came to a gut wrenching realization. Justin Bieber is a horrible tweeter. I began to debate, pray and slave over the decision of if I should unfollow him. I mean its the Biebs, you can't just ditch him. But he was taking up all of twittersphere with his endless amount of retweets from tween girls so he just had to go. I think my heart broke a little that night.

3. I still do not fully understand hashtags, but I like to use them out loud more than on twitter because I can never think of them when it is crunch time. They just come to me ya know? I am sure you understand.

4. Kambly is going to be annoyed of this post. Because I, Anna Sheridan Flagg, used to dislike twitter. This MAY come to you as a shock, but I would even go as far to say that I was a twitter judger or even a twitter hater. But secretly deep down, I knew there was something more to life. After countless times of looking at twitter on Kam's phone and wondering what on earth all this fuss was about, I realized it was time. So on the blessed day of February 18, 2011, I entered twitter world. I think going from a twitter hater to a twitter lover has really made it even more special.

5. I have used the word twitter now nine times in this post and I am not even annoyed. Wanna know why?

Because I love twitter.